jake bebenek
web developer
My Work

I love developing web-based applications! Here are some of my most notable projects. I am currently in the process of collating all my projects, so please visit my Github page for the rest of my projects in the meantime:)

NEO Finder

This project is an application made in React Native for a university assignment. It uses NASA's Near Earth Object API to fetch objects with close approaches to Earth by a specific date, such as your date of birth. The application uses Three.js to generate a scaled down model of the asteroids, and lets the user add specific asteroids to their "orbit", where they can view them later, see their next approach date, and compare their size and speed with other asteroids.

Collisions with space objects and debri is not so uncommon with our Earth1. Many hazardous asteroids are detected only until after they have missed Earth. Regardless, there are numerous space objects that we are aware of, which miss Earth very closely. The motivation behind this application was to make people more aware of the nature of these orbiting bodies, and how common they are, as well as to bring the attention to a discussion of possible solutions to this significant issue.

Languages, Frameworks or Libraries Used
  • React Native (JavaScript)
  • Three.js (JS visualisation library)
1 - Fireballs Reported by US Government Sensors | NASA
Company Dashboard

This project was a group university assignment. Programmed mostly in PHP, with the help of Bootstrap for front-end development, this web-based application serves as company database. It has both a guest and administrator dashboards, which allows to add, remove or modify companies from the database.

Languages, Frameworks or Libraries Used
  • HTML, CSS and JS
  • PHP
  • MySQL